What we (are not)
what drives us.

Founder of Intelligence Bureau and Intrepidology.com

Our mission is to take care of senior management through corporate intelligence solutions

Because of the uniqueness of its members and the way we approach issues, Intelligence Bureau defies stereotypes in form and content.

We are not consultants, detectives, geopolitical specialists, social media analysts or computer experts. We are neither creative directors, nor experts in persuasive communication or conflict resolution. But we incorporate aspects from each of these disciplines into what we do.

We are Intelligence Bureau. Any definition imposes limits, and in a business like ours, labels would have prevented us from developing the vision and core competencies that have enabled us to look after our clients since 1990.

Those skills enable us to offer something unique: information superiority without risk or, in other words, knowledge with integrity.

Our purpose is to guide and protect our clients in their most challenging moments by providing them with strategic, reliable and enforceable legal and media information.

What drives us?

WE ARE DRIVEN BY INTREPID:OLOGY, our brand manifesto. It reflects our DNA and our work philosophy through five skills that articulate a differential value proposition.

WE ARE DRIVEN BY THE ART of making the invisible visible. The art of obtaining and analysing hidden information in an ethical, legal and secure manner.

We believe in challenging the status quo in everything we do. To go beyond what we have learned. In thinking differently to go where others do not.
We believe in the art of persuasion. We create environments ethically, legally and safely for others to volunteer what we need to know.  
We believe in unique, customised solutions, not standardised experiences. We don't ignore the details, every aspect of our projects is designed with precision.

WE ARE DRIVEN BY THE FOCUS. Our focus determines our reality.

We believe in what increases our capabilities and our energy. Where the great challenges of our clients intersect with our talents is where we find our passion.
We believe that noise does not make good, and good does not make noise. Discretion and invisibility, in our projects and in our lives.
We believe in simplicity, it is the ultimate sophistication and much more difficult to copy.

WE ARE DRIVEN BY THE AUDACITY. Not recklessness or thoughtless daring.

Creemos en el equilibrio, no en la estabilidad. Uno permite crear y la otra perpetúa el miedo.
Creemos que es mejor fracasar en la originalidad que triunfar en la imitación. 
Creemos que la integridad no debería necesitar de normas. Solo de la solidez de principios y de su defensa consistente en el tiempo.

WE ARE DRIVEN BY THE CONNECTIONS.  ew business models value personal relationships as much as ours.

We believe it is more important to know who knows than to try to know everything.
We believe that power and influence are directly related to the amount of help and favours you can offer others.
We believe that success is a direct reflection of the standards of those around us.

WE ARE DRIVEN BY THE PURPOSE. Not the vacuous corporate slogans of every new fashion or business trend.

We believe that the more we put into our internal transformation, tackling everyday obstacles, the more authentic and sustainable value we offer to our customers.
We believe that by continuously improving from within and inspiring ourselves, we also inspire our customers. Together, we achieve the ‘positive and sustainable impact’ we hear so much about.
We believe that true fulfilment is about being oneself in a world that insists that demands us to be something different is what we believe in for true fulfilment

Our game is infinite, rather than finite. While others may focus on looking dedicated, we prefer a more radical approach - if we wish to change the world we must first change ourselves.

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